• Ubisoft and uPlay makes black baby Jesus cry. They also killed your puppy and raped your teddy bear. I JUST WANT TO PLAY MY GODDAMN GAME! #
  • is finally playing ANNO 2070 http://t.co/cidqpoo8 #
  • is finally playing Civilization V http://t.co/cidqpoo8 #
  • So much rain my drains can't handle it. Rushing across my porch. http://t.co/6oGtSueD #
  • I unlocked 5 Steam achievements in Civilization V! http://t.co/XKr4ySFS #
  • Last year's hot screwed up my concrete porch, lowering part of it. This year's rain damn near flooded my house because of the fcked concrete #
  • 7am Monday morning meetings suck 15 kinds of ass. #
  • YOU DO NOT HAVE 20 MOTHERFUCKING PEOPLE ON A GODDAMN SCRUM CALL! I hope you get a mild but irritating bladder infection! #
  • is finally playing Civilization V http://t.co/cidqpoo8 #
  • I unlocked the Eighty-Eight Miles per Hour achievement in Civilization V! http://t.co/XKr4ySFS #
  • Yup. We're done. RT @daveanthony: Okay, let's just go ahead and shut the Earth down. http://t.co/3TkFEiYh – @GerryDuggan #
  • Did you think I wouldn't notice that you assigned this bit of functionality to me? The bit that I was told I wouldn't have to test? #
  • Really? Anything delivered after freeze is YOUR problem. Because YOU SAID IT WAS. Fuck off. #
  • Oh goody! My laptop fails security in a new and interesting way! #
  • Can't wait! RT @TheCJMorgan: Only 50 days until the beginning of another disappointing Cowboys season! #
  • It's finally here! http://t.co/3drMZMAI #
  • Jesus H. Christ, that's a lot of stuff! And I can't find fault with any of it. Except maybe the older Gameboys. http://t.co/kI1wFUgI #
  • What the fuck is this shit? Goddammit, Texas! http://t.co/SD2pqAtJ #
  • is finally playing Civilization V http://t.co/cidqpoo8 #
  • I unlocked the Junta for Red October achievement in Civilization V! http://t.co/XKr4ySFS #
  • Goddammit, twitter! Why did you unfiollow @CraigyFerg?? #
  • Look, assholes. It was specifically said "use executive summary because the reports are too long." #
  • So don't bitch when I send you *gasp* an executive motherfucking summary. #
  • So here you go, fuckface. 403 pages. #
  • Hey thanks for calling me to a 7am meeting and discussing everyone else's issues at length and graciously giving me the last 5 minutes. #
  • I hate you so much right now. You fucked up the end of my day yesterday and shit on the start of my day today. Die in a fire. #
  • Downed 2 cups of coffee in less than an hour. Working on #3 and #4 I don't drink coffee. I don't normally consume caffeine. So very awake. #
  • By noon I will have attended 4 meetings since 7am. In each meeting I will have said the same thing in 4 different ways to the same people. #
  • JESUS CHRIST!!!! RT @pakazmir: RT @io9: Behold, the most terrifying worm you've ever seen http://t.co/W6AgQRbW #
  • I was helpful today! #
  • is finally playing Civilization V http://t.co/cidqpoo8 #
  • I unlocked 2 Steam achievements in Civilization V! http://t.co/XKr4ySFS #
  • Day of feature freeze, shit is blowing the fuck up because no one knows how to communicate and no one gave a shit. Awesome Friday. #
  • Every damn TSA done wrong story has "they weren't supposed to do X" said by an official from the TSA. Don't they go through training? WTF? #
  • What is their training like? It apparently isn't effective if this shit keeps happening. http://t.co/6872JO6c #
  • You soulless, tasteless, unfunny fucks. http://t.co/PPuQlUs4 #
  • is finally playing Civilization V http://t.co/cidqpoo8 #
  • I unlocked 5 Steam achievements in Civilization V! http://t.co/XKr4ySFS #

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