I have not had a good night’s sleep since last Thursday night. And it is taking it’s toll. I am slowly losing my mind. I must be. A guy on a forum I frequent asked a simple question about Animal Crossing: City Folk: “Hey, I’m looking for good turnip prices.” I said “Keep an eye out tomorrow and Thursday. That should be when the best prices hit. My Nook, however, is a complete dick and has never given me anything about 160.” Which is true. In both the DS and Wii version, he’s never had good prices and I’ve had to go to someone else’s town to sell. Another guy replied to that with “He won’t if your Wii clock is too far away from your AC clock. They have to be pretty much the same for any decent prices and/or Red Turnip Seeds to be there.”

Something in me snapped. I started to reply all nice and good, but when I woke from my trance, I found I had written this:

I’ve time traveled twice (using the system clock only) since Christmas so I can see my town in the damn daytime. Other than that, Nook is an ass. And he was an ass in the DS version where I never TT’ed. He’s a specie-ist. He hates humans. Puts us into indentured servitude. We have to buy from the “company store.” What kind of shit is that? Our success or failures depend solely on him and his prices. Does he even carry the things we need in his shop? Of course not! Just tools that drive his and our inherent greed and desire for a perfect town and ever increasing house. We have stoves yet nothing to cook. We must FEND for ourselves with whatever fruit we can shake from the trees! When, when are we gonna RISE UP and throw off the shackles of oppression!? DOWN WITH THE RACCOON! DOWN! NOOK’S WILL BURN! THERE WILL BE JUICE!

If you don’t know anything about the game, I’m not about to explain it here. Look it up. I’ll…I’ll be over here, somewhere under my desk. Taking a nap.