• I'm watching FOX NFL Sunday (1745 others checked-in) http://t.co/CkASe3CU #GetGlueHD #FOXNFLSunday #
  • I unlocked the Fox NFL Sunday: Week 1 sticker on #GetGlueHD http://t.co/jxOi1VYr #
  • Google now still refuses to believe the nfl season has started. Fix it! *grump* #
  • I'm watching Red Zone Channel (14 others checked-in) http://t.co/dGKiuk0L #GetGlueHD #nflredzone #
  • What the Christ, Jets?? Were you just saving up TDs for the regular season? #
  • Dear Detroit, Madden Curse? Madden Curse. #
  • The Dolphins are playing like they were featured on the Madden cover… #
  • Fucka big load of DB2 and Lotus Notes. *grump* #
  • double header!!!! http://t.co/pPvoHmKE #GetGlueHD #MondayNightFootball #
  • Why is Jon Gruden wearing a stick of Fruit Stripe gum as a tie? #MNF #
  • I am convinced that Pat Robertson has hit "I'm an old man and give no fucks about what I say" mode: http://t.co/fcrwDbDC #
  • After 3 months, I finally closed on my refinance. 3 months. 3. #
  • I am not going to "like" your company on facebook for a $10 discount. It's not happening. #
  • "hey where's the final build for *product*?" Er, fuck if I know. I got it from <some dev> 4 months ago. Panic is ensuing. I care not. #
  • So….this is a thing: http://t.co/J3She34G #
  • Gee, was I in a meeting for the last 2.5 hours and am just now catching up on Apple related tweets? #retweetingfiend #
  • Dammit. Why do i suddenly want a embroidery sewing machine?? I don't sew! #
  • is finally playing Tropico 4 http://t.co/cidqpoo8 #
  • Yes! RT @TheCJMorgan: Tebowing? No thanks, this season we're Griffining –> http://t.co/fOx1w126 #
  • I'm a little creeped out this. http://t.co/hnpHkwub #
  • AHA! http://t.co/XrmXAYcA #
  • I'm watching Monday Night Football (18 others checked-in) http://t.co/pPvoHmKE #GetGlueHD #MondayNightFootball #
  • I'm watching Thursday Night Football (3414 others checked-in) http://t.co/AKcnMESL #GetGlueHD #ThursdayNightFootball #
  • What? Am I really seeing this? http://t.co/A3JG8kp6 #

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