• I'm at Lamb's Tire (10740 Research Blvd #115 Braker Ln, Austin) http://4sq.com/hHn6dQ #
  • I'm at H-E-B (500 Canyon Ridge Dr W, at Interstate Hwy 35, Austin) http://4sq.com/gpNlZm #
  • I'm at Super Target (12901 N IH-35, at W Parmer Ln, Austin) http://4sq.com/hl5TDT #
  • Happy New Year! Have a $500 car repair! Fuckstockings. #
  • I may need to go to work soon. I just voluntarily put it on Maury. Topic: "I'll prove you're the father of my teen daughter's baby" #
  • Dear Maury, just go ahead and say "Babby Daddy". Because "Baby's father" sounds far to sophistcated for these trashy ass people. #
  • Jesus Christ. Men: STOP FUCKING WOMEN YOU DON'T TRUST. Holy. Shit. #
  • I swore up and down this was a money laundering front (@ Ashley Furniture Store) http://4sq.com/gVMBAx #
  • So much furniture (@ Rooms to Go) http://4sq.com/hOl3AL #
  • Oh the seats… (@ Sofa Mart) http://4sq.com/fNCKwb #

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